Export settings will pop up every time you need to export your work. You can access it directly through Export FBX… part of the Main menu (or using shortcut “Ctrl+E”). Export File format is currently open to FBX only

Prefer baked animations to guarantee accurate animations.

- FBX deals with several animation aspects differently than Akeytsu.

- As a result, non-baked FBX exports are not guaranteed to be accurate with Akeytsu’s results, especially (but not only) when blending layers, and during interpolations.

- As of now, non-baked FBX export should only be used as a mean of exporting poses.
If you want accurate animations, you shall use baked export.

- As each frame is baked, the result is guaranteed to be accurate. Just make sure the exported animation is played at a framerate that is consistent with the framerate in Akeytsu.

Known issue when importing baked FBX animations in Unity 3D:             

  • IK feature is useful to lock joint positions (lock behavior when IK targets are in red ‎in Akeytsu) 

  • You know that, in order to export the “lock effect” of your animations, you must set “Bake animations” in akeytsu export settings

  • But, when importing your fbx files in Unity, you may slightly lose the lock effect

    • In fact, by default, Unity compresses animations when it imports FBX files (in order to reduce animation weights); which suppresses some keys and leads to little moves around positions that should be locked…

Suggested solution:

  • To avoid that, you can use the Unity Inspector, and change “Anim. Compression” setting from “Keyframe reduction” to “Off” (then click on “Inspector “Apply” button”)‎.