First, keep in mind that this feature works only between different skinned meshes, so you can’t copy/paste weights on the same skinned mesh (excepted if you copy one vertex only).

Furthermore, your meshes must be previously bound (even on one joint only) to accept weight pasting.

Please select first a joint of your character — or even the character itself —  to allow vertex selection on the corresponding skinned mesh(es). If you select directly the skinned mesh (into the Tree) you won't have the ability to select its vertices…

For your Copy/Paste actions, we recommend to work with Full Vertex Select mode activated (). This way, you will be sure to select and work on all displayed vertices.

Copy a skinning to a « different » character

Copy a skinning to an updated mesh (geometry modifications on your current character)

Copy a skinning to additional parts (such as props or clothes) 

To select quickly your vertices in multi-skinned meshes context, you can select one vertex of the body and hit “*” to be sure to select only body/underclothes vertices to copy. Once copied you can make a large rectangular vertex selection above your cloth skinned mesh, only cloth vertices will be selected!

As mentioned at the top, it means your additional parts must be different meshes (skinned meshes)