

The Timebar is a complementary keyframe manager (cf Stacker) and provides playback features as well as access to the Curveboard.

The Timebar is composed of several rows (described from top to bottom):

  • Access Curveboard (on the left) and Playback features (in the middle). 
  • The black rubber represents the Timing Scale. It delimits the Timebar range. 
  • Stackers with their respective keyframes.
  • The Minibar (macro view of the Timebar) with Range Framing tools on the right.
  • Audio Clips are represented as waveforms in their respective stackers.

As in the Stacker window, your keyframes are numbered and display their inbetween timings.

You may select keys and move them or create a key by RMB clicking anywhere on the current Stacker line (except on an existing keyframe) and select “Create Key” .

Keyframes and timings are not linked into the Timebar

Unlike the Stacker, moving or creating a key does not affect the following ones, except if you create a key from an existing one. Additionally, moving or creating a key may only be done for the current Stacker.

IK/ReverseFoot solving limitation

When you animate IK or Reversefoot on a layer, the resolution can only be updated between the first and the last keyframe of that layer 

Keyframe RMB Menu

By RMB clicking on a keyframe you open this menu:

  • Remove key(s):  Delete selected key(s) without affecting next ones.
  • Select all following keys: Add following keys to the current key selection.
  • Create fade-in: Create an opacity fade-in handle before the current keyframe. You may then move this fade-in handle.
  • Create fade-out: Create an opacity fade-out handle after the current keyframe. You may then move this fade-out handle.
  • *Remove fade-in or fade-out (*if already created).

Fades as corrective stackers

Fades should be used as corrective stackers, meant to alter parts of stackers below. If you use fades on a single stacker, it will blend with the Reference Pose.

Audio RMB Menu

By RMB clicking on any audio clip you open this menu:

  • Remove audio clip(s):  Delete selected audio clip(s) without affecting next ones
  • Select all following audio clips: Add following audio clips to the current audio clip selection.
  • Update audio file (AudioClipName): Allows you to update and replace the selected audio clip by another of your choice

By RMB clicking on any empty space in the current audio layer you open this menu, which allows you to add another audio file at the RMB position timeline position

Add/Update an Audio Clip through the Timebar

If you choose to update/add an audio clip by using the timebar, it won't offset next audio clips

Curveboard access

Curveboard: Activate the Curveboard.

Playback features

Go to first keyframe

Go to previous keyframe

Play/Stop Full Animation (Shortcut: Enter): Playback the full animation (not only the keyframes visible in the Timebar range). When you hit this button, play will start from your timecursor position and will automatically loop after the latest key (taking all stackers in account). Timebar range is ignored. Audio Clips will impact this global playback

Alternative functions

Tiny boxes in the right corner of buttons indicate an alternative function! You switch between the functions by RMB, click on the button. Concerning the Play/Stop Animation command, RMB click on that command will activate the Play Infinite mode described below.

Play/Stop Infinite (Shortcut: Enter): Instead of looping after the latest key, the play never stops. It is particularly useful for unsynchronised cycling stackers.

Play/Stop Range: Playback according to the Timebar range. When you hit this button, play will start from your timecursor position and will loop from the end of the range to its start. 

Go to next keyframe

Go to last keyframe


The MiniBar is a fast and efficient way to navigate through Timebar keyframes. The highlighted zone represents the current Timebar range.

By grabbing the edges of the Timebar range (highlighted zone) you can squash or stretch the range.

By dragging right or left the Timebar range (highlighted zone) you navigate through your keyframes.

As for keyframes, Audio Clips are represented in The Minibar. Selected Audio Clip(s) are highlighted in white.

Frame Full Animation: Frame your Timebar range exactly between the first and last keys of the current animation (including all stackers).

Frame Key Range: Frame your Timebar range exactly between the first and last keys selected in the current stacker.

Timebar Preferences

Displayed stacks: Set the maximum number of displayed stackers into the Timebar.

Time unit: Choose your working time unit.

Scene Frame Rate: Choose your scene framerate.

Audio speed: A factor to brake or accelerate played animations.

Audio playback scrub length: the duration (in milliseconds) of the played sound when you change timeline position while animation isn't playing. 

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