Tree Window

Tree Window

The “Tree” is the Akeytsu's scene explorer. It displays a tree-view of 3D objects and nodes contained in the current scene. You may expand or collapse object hierarchies by clicking on the () and () icons.

Tree auto-enlarge width feature

The Tree is a special dialog having the ability to auto-enlarge its window. By default, moving your mouse cursor above the Tree auto-enlarges by 2 its width. Moving your mouse cursor outside the window will shrink the Tree to its original width. You can adjust width factor into the Tree preferences (access via cogwheel).

The Del key works only for the Tree

Please have in mind that the standard Del key always deletes items selected in the Tree. To delete specific elements, please refer to the Delete buttons of the corresponding window.

Objects & nodes displayed




Pre-skinned mesh

Locked pre-skinned mesh

Skinned mesh

Locked skinned mesh

IK Target

Reverse Foot



Camera Target

Tree RMB Menu

You may access the Tree RMB Menu by right-clicking on any object/node. 

Rename: Rename the object.

Delete: Delete the object.

Duplicate Hierarchy: Duplicate the hierarchy of the selected object or selection.

Set as unpickable: Disable LMB pick on mesh. If applied to a character node then all its hierarchy (including joints, cameras, etc) are no longer pick-able. It can be useful for background elements or crowd.

Select All: Select all objects in the scene.

Select Hierarchy: Select the hierarchy of the selected object or selection.

Expand All: Expand all objects in the scene

Expand Hierarchy: Expand the Hierarchy of the selected object or selection.

Collapse All: Collapse all objects in the scene.

Collapse Hierarchy: Collapse the hierarchy of the selected object or selection.

Show: Show the selected object or selection (if previously hidden).

Show All: Show all the objects of the scene (if previously hidden).

Show Hierarchy: Show the hierarchy of the selected object or selection (if previously hidden).

Hide: Hide the selected object or selection (if previously shown).

Hide All: Hide all the objects of the scene (if previously shown).

Hide Hierarchy: Hide the hierarchy of the selected object or selection (if previously shown).

Lock Skin Weights: Lock the weights of the selected skinned mesh(es)

Unlock Skin Weights: Unlock the weights of the selected skinned mesh(es)

Unlock All Skin Weights: Unlock the weights of all skinned meshes of the scene

Isolate Skin Weights: Unlock the weights of the selected skinned mesh(es) and lock all other skinned meshes

Tree Preferences

Tree resizement on hovering: Set the width coefficient (X2, X3, etc.) of the Tree window when you move your mouse cursor above it.