The Main Menu gathers classic File, Import/Export and Help features.

This menu is available at the top left corner by clicking on the Akeytsu logo.

In Akeytsu you can create or open as much files (or scenes) as you want simultaneously. They are displayed as docked tabs to the software top edge ().

Now let's discover the Main Menu different commands:

Please use our Akeyboy file (model and animations) to discover Akeytsu. You can open the Akeyboy file via the Welcome window or by clicking on Main Menu -> Open Scene... -> Templates -> akeyboy_sample.akt.
Saved datas use the Akeytsu proprietary file format: AKT format.

Since Akeytsu 2019-2-1 : Save path location is the path where the file was loaded from. Similarly, export FBX path is deduced from FBX import, and the same goes for AKNM paths

About import/export format files, Akeytsu only imports FBX/OBJ/Collada and exports only FBX file at the moment. Other standard formats are planned in the future. However using the Anim Bank window, you can import and export your animations using the AKNM format file (Akeytsu proprietary file format).

  • Bake animations: If enabled, your FBX exported animations will be baked with 1 keyframe per frame.
  • Use ASCII format: If enabled, your FBX file will be ASCII and not binary, meaning it will be readable with a text editor.
  • Embed Media: If enabled, textures will be in the FBX file, and extracted as temporary files each time you open it. If disabled, a folder named [FBX file name]_FBX_Textures will be created next to the FBX file, containing the mesh textures (and needs to be moved with your FBX file).
  • Export without animation: If enabled, Content will be exported without any animation. The character will remain in bind pose.
  • Export Character node (as dummy): If enabled, the Akeytsu's Character node will be exported in your FBX file.

FBX deals with several animation aspects differently than Akeytsu. As a result, non-baked FBX exports are not guaranteed to be accurate with Akeytsu’s results, especially (but not only) when blending layers, and during interpolations. As of now, non-baked FBX export should only be used as a mean of exporting poses.
If you want accurate animations, you shall use baked export. As each frame is baked, the result is guaranteed to be accurate. Just make sure the exported animation is played at a framerate that is consistent with the framerate in Akeytsu.

Known issue when importing baked FBX animations in Unity:             

  • IK feature is useful to lock joint positions (lock behaviour when IK targets are in red ‎in Akeytsu) 
  • You know that, in order to export the “lock effect” of your animations, you must set “Bake animations” in akeytsu export settings
  • But, when importing your fbx files in Unity, you may slightly lose the lock effect
    • In fact, by default, Unity compresses animations when it imports FBX files (in order to reduce animation weights); which suppresses some keys and leads to little moves around positions that should be locked…

Suggested solution:

  • To avoid that, you can use the Unity Inspector, and change “Anim. Compression” setting from “Keyframe reduction” to “Off” (then click on “Inspector “Apply” button”)‎.

Into the general preferences, you can set the Undo Redo maximum action count. It is set by default on 100 actions.