The Main Menu gathers classic File, Import/Export and Help features.

This menu is available in the top left corner by clicking on the Akeytsu logo.

In Akeytsu you can create or open as many files (or scenes) as you want simultaneously. They are displayed as docked tabs to the software top edge ().

Now let's discover the Main Menu different commands:

Please use our Akeyboy, e-LysE, SkySurfer, Petrus Taurus, and/or Sphero file (model and animations) to discover how Akeytsu works. You can open these files via the Welcome window or by clicking on Main Menu -> Help -> Rigged Test Characters
Saved data uses the Akeytsu proprietary file format: AKT format.

Since Akeytsu 2019-2-1 : Save path location is the path where the file was loaded from. Similarly, export FBX path is deduced from FBX import

About import/export format files, Akeytsu only imports FBX/OBJ/Collada and exports only FBX file at the moment. Other standard formats are planned in the future
If you need to create a cinematic scene, you can also import your AKT files in the scene (Akeytsu proprietary file format). Importing in AKT will preserve control rig (IK/RF/FaceShapeControlers/SpaceSwitch definitions) and AnimBank with all anim layers, sound...etc 

Into the general preferences, you can set the Undo Redo maximum action count. It is set by default to 100 actions.