Layout, Render & Preferences Menu
The Layout, Render & Preferences Menu offers access to 3D viewport shadings, layouts options, as well as general preferences or shortcut manager.
You can access it by clicking on the button (
Shading - Manage the focused view shadings:
Wireframe Shading (Shortcut numpad key "1")
Textured Shading (Shortcut numpad key "2")
Untextured Shading (Shortcut numpad key "3")
Lit Shading (Shortcut numpad key "0")
Please note that shading modes can be combined since they can be toggled on and off. Untextured/Textured modes can't be activated at the same time
Show - Show/hide objects in the focused view:
Joints (Shortcut numpad key "4")
Pivots (Shortcut numpad key "5")
Grid (Shortcut "G")
Displays concern only the current view
Layout - Manage the viewport layout:
Single View: Full camera view.
Two Views: This layout offers a wide work camera view combined with a little camera check view in the top right corner. Useful when working with animated cameras
Two Views and Curveboard: This layout offers two camera views on the top and a "3D content free" curveboard on the bottom.
Four views: Four camera views.
Layout and views size are dynamically adjusted considering the number of stackers displayed in the Timebar.
By using the shortcut "L" you can quickly navigate between your current multiviews layout and the zoomed views (or single views) of each view of your layout. For instance, your current multiviews layout is "Four views". Just put your mouse cursor above a view, then press L and you will enter/zoom this view as single view. Press L once again, and you will go back into the "Four views" layout.
Camera switch rules
Please note that if you change your camera in single view and then enter your Multiviews layout by using "L" key, the new camera will replace the previous one into the multiviews layout. However, if you change your camera in single view and then return to multiviews layout by using the interface command, your layout will remain unchanged.
Preferences and Shortcut Manager will be broached in the next pages as a separated point.
Hide UI for video recording: Turn off the UI, so you can maximize the viewport and show your model animation in a clean, simple way into Akeytsu. Ideal for recording your work with any streaming or recording method (not provided with Akeytsu). You can quickly toggle on/off Hidden UI using the shortcut numpad key "8". Once UI is hidden, you can also use the bottom left arrow to bring it back
Below are displayed results of each render mode combo :